Introduction to WebRTC
JavaScript Chats Hack Session 4 Spring 2021
April 25, 2021
What is WebRTC?
WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project to develop technology that enables websites and web apps to have peer-to-peer (P2P) communication with video, audio, and other arbitrary data.
Who uses WebRTC?
(not an exhaustive list)
- Google Meet
- Facebook Messenger
- Discord
- Twilio
- us during the rest of this workshop
Why WebRTC?
WebRTC is useful because implementing P2P connections is very difficult! Imagine the following non-P2P scenario: We are trying to visit a website like What steps do we need to take in order to do so?
- resolve the domain name to an IP address using DNS
- make a request to that IP address
- done! ✅
Now let's imagine that we're trying to connect to a peer:
- no domain name, so we can't use DNS to get their IP address ❌
- we can ask for their IP address!
- but, the IP address they give us is their private IP, which is meaningless outside of their local area network (LAN) ❌
- … cry
P2P problems
We can clearly see some issues that arise with setting up a peer-to-peer connection:
- How do I get my public IP?
- How do I send my public IP to my peer?
- Assuming my peer has gotten my public IP, how do we know what data formats each peer can support?
- How do our packets even travel back and forth between us?
WebRTC to the rescue!
WebRTC provides solutions for each of these problems.
- How do I get my public IP?
WebRTC uses STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT), which allows you to make a request to a STUN server. The server then replies with your public IP.
- How do I send my public IP to my peer?
Some terminology: signaling is the discovery and negotiation process by which a peer-to-peer connection is established
A signaling server is a server by which signaling takes place. It helps establish a connection between two peers by relaying information between them. So, we can use a signaling server to send our public IP.
Note that WebRTC doesn't specify any particular method for transporting the signaling information. We could use any reliable form of sending information, like HTTP, WebSocket, email, or even a carrier pigeon.
- Assuming my peer has gotten my public IP, how do we know what data formats
each peer can support?
This information can also be exchanged through the signaling server. The caller creates an offer with a session description, and the callee can respond with an answer message. The session description is in SDP format, and can look something like this:
o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000
m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32
a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000
For the audio encoding in this example, we see PCMU. For the video encoding, there are two options: H261 and MPV.
- How do our packets even travel back and forth between us?
WebRTC uses a framework called ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment). The framework's algorithm finds the lowest-latency path for connecting two peers, trying various options in order. ICE candidates are used to describe protocols and routing, and both peers exchange them until they mutually agree on a particular candidate.
Then, WebRTC uses that candidate to initiate the peer-to-peer connection.
Building a WebRTC app
To learn some of the basic WebRTC API, we will build a simple video calling application!
Our P2P video calling app
Let's build this app ourselves! We have created some starter code for you to follow along. Download it here:
WebRTC video/audio app starter code
To set it up, run
npm install
node server.js
Then, visit localhost:3000
The starter code already has the built-in functionality of showing online
users. There is also a class called RelayServer
that acts as our signaling
service to communicate the necessary setup information for initial connection
between the peers.
What information do we need in order to establish a connection? Both peers will need the following information:
- My own public IP
- My own video/audio encoding information (media information)
- The other's public IP
- The other's video/audio encoding information
In the code walk-through, we will use the following table to keep track of the information available to establishing the WebRTC connection.
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP | My public IP |
My own media info | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info | Peer 1's media info |
Once all the items of the table are available, a connection can be established.
WebRTC specifies a set of APIs that are implemented by browsers. These APIs significantly reduce the amount of code we have to write and we do not need to care about the implementation details of the protocols.
STUN server and the RTCPeerConnection
The starting point of our WebRTC connection is the RTCPeerConnection
const rtcConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: [
urls: ''
The RTCPeerConnection
object represents our connection. The object provides
useful functions for us to get and set necessary information for setting up the
We need a STUN server to tell us about our public IP. Here, we are using a public STUN server with the domain name of There are also other public STUN servers available as well.
The nice thing about WebRTC is that the APIs abstract away the details of
handling communication with STUN servers and with peers. We do not need to
handle the request to obtain our public IP ourselves. The RTCPeerConnection
object will handle it for us.
So far, we have obtained these information for the connection:
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✅ | My Public IP ✅ |
My own media info | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info | Peer 1's media info |
Turning on our camera and microphone
Before we can start calling, we need to make sure our camera and microphone
works by obtaining the "streams" from these hardware. The setUpMyVideo
function handles the set up of the media streams.
const setUpMyVideo = async () => {
First, we need to obtain the user's permission to use their camera and microphone.
// obtain video/audio permission
const constraints = {
audio: true,
video: true
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
If you do not want audio, you can set audio: false
. The getUserMedia
function will prompt the user for the permission to use their camera and
microphone. It returns a Promise (that's why we await
for it) that resolves
to the media stream.
Then, we need to show the user their own video. We need to hook up our stream
to a <video>
tag on the DOM.
document.querySelector('#localVideo').srcObject = stream;
Lastly, we need to tell our RTC connection object about the available streams that we can send over to our peer.
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => rtcConnection.addTrack(track, stream));
The getTracks
method returns the two tracks that we have, the audio track and
the video track. We pass them to the RTC connection object using the method
The complete function looks like this:
const setUpMyVideo = async () => {
// obtain video/audio permission
const constraints = {
audio: true,
video: true
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
// set the camera video to show in a <video> tag!
document.querySelector('#localVideo').srcObject = stream;
// tell our RTC Connection about our video source
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => rtcConnection.addTrack(track, stream));
Caller ringing our callee
In the skeleton code, the ID of the selected peer being called is stored in a
global variable selectedUser
. When caller clicks the call button, we
initialize the process of starting a WebRTC connection.
callButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
The first step for the caller is to "ring" the callee to let callee know about the call. The "ringing" is represented by an "offer" object.
const localOffer = await rtcConnection.createOffer();
According to the MDN documentation, the "offer" object contains:
information about any MediaStreamTracks already attached to the WebRTC session, codec, and options supported by the browser, and any candidates already gathered by the ICE agent...
This contains all the information about of media, i.e. our video/audio stream. Then, we need to inform caller's RTC connection object about the current media info.
await rtcConnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(localOffer));
The name setLocalDescription
implies that we are setting our own media
You might be asking, why are we doing this? Why did we obtain all the media
information from caller's connection object and then hand it right back to it?
allows you to change the configuration in the middle of a
call (turn off video, or change input device for instance). Instead of making
this configuration implicit, might as well make it explicit for the initial
connection as well. That's why there is an extra step to set it at the
At this point, we got the media information for our caller.
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✔️ | My Public IP ✔️ |
My own media info ✅ | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info | Peer 1's media info |
Then, we send our media info to our peer through the relay server, aka our signaling service.
relayServer.sendPeerMediaOffer(selectedUser, localOffer);
The complete event listener looks like this:
callButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
callButton.disabled = true;
// create a connection offer, which contains our video/audio info
const localOffer = await rtcConnection.createOffer();
// tell our connection object about our video/audio info
await rtcConnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(localOffer));
// tell our callee about our video/audio info
relayServer.sendPeerMediaOffer(selectedUser, localOffer);
Callee picking up the call from caller
The callee knows the caller is calling when the callee receives the "offer" object from callee through the relay server:
relayServer.onPeerSendMediaOffer(async data => {
The first step is to tell callee's connection object about the peer's media information.
const peerOffer = data.offer;
await rtcConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(peerOffer));
The name setRemoteDescription
implies we are setting our peer's media
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✔️ | My Public IP ✔️ |
My own media info ✔️ | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info | Peer 1's media info ✅ |
Then, we need to create an "answer" object that will be sent back to the caller. The answer object, just like the offer object, also contains all the media information. We need to tell callee's connection object about it as well.
await rtcConnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer));
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✔️ | My Public IP ✔️ |
My own media info ✔️ | My own media info ✅ |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info | Peer 1's media info ✔️ |
We sent out answer back to our peer.
relayServer.sendPeerMediaAnswer(data.from, answer);
The complete handler is the following:
relayServer.onPeerSendMediaOffer(async data => {
console.log('receive MediaOffer', data);
// caller's video/audio info
const peerOffer = data.offer;
// tell our connection object about the caller's video/audio info
await rtcConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(peerOffer));
// create a connection answer, which contains our video/audio info
const answer = await rtcConnection.createAnswer();
// tell our connection object about our video/audio info
await rtcConnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer));
// tell our caller about our video/audio info
relayServer.sendPeerMediaAnswer(data.from, answer);
Caller confirming callee's pick up
The caller will receive the answer object from the callee, meaning they are picking up that call.
relayServer.onPeerSendMediaAnswer(async data => {
console.log('receive MediaAnswer', data);
// tell our connection about the callee's video/audio info
await rtcConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data.answer));
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✔️ | My Public IP ✔️ |
My own media info ✔️ | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP | Peer 1's public IP |
Peer 2's media info ✅ | Peer 1's media info ✔️ |
Network information exchange
The only piece missing in setting up the connection is knowing the peer's public IP address. But as we have said before, WebRTC handles all the public IP fetching with the STUN server. How do we actually get our own public IP and send it to our peer?
To do so, we use the onicecandidate
event handler on the WebRTC connection
rtcConnection.onicecandidate = event => {
// send our peer about our connection preference.
if (event.candidate)
When our WebRTC connection object obtains the public IP from the STUN server, this event handler is invoked. All we need to do is to send our network information to the other peer.
rtcConnection.onicecandidate = event => {
// send our peer about our connection preference.
if (event.candidate)
relayServer.sendIceCandidateToPeer(selectedUser, event.candidate);
On the peer side, we will receive the ICE candidate hand it to the WebRTC connection object.
relayServer.onPeerSendIceCandidate(async data => {
console.log('receive ICE from peer', data);
// create an ICE candidate object
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(data.candidate);
// tell our RTC connection object about our peer's ICE candidate
await rtcConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate);
At this point, we have obtained all the dragon balls the information we
need to establish our connection.
Peer 1 (Caller) | Peer 2 (Callee) |
My public IP ✔️ | My Public IP ✔️ |
My own media info ✔️ | My own media info |
Peer 2's public IP ✅ | Peer 1's public IP ✅ |
Peer 2's media info ✔️ | Peer 1's media info ✔️ |
Hooking up peer's media stream
Now that the WebRTC connection object obtained all the necessary information, it will go ahead and establish the connection and we do not have to worry about how it is done.
When the connection is established, there will be a stream of the peer's audio/video. We need to show the audio/video still.
rtcConnection.addEventListener('track', event => {
console.log('got track', event.streams);
const [stream] = event.streams;
// put our peer's stream onto our video
document.querySelector('#remoteVideo').srcObject = stream;
Now you have a fully functioning video calling app yo~
Notice that throughout the process, we do not know what is going on with the
. In our demo, we used WebSocket to pass the information to our
peer. But again, it does not matter what technology you use in the signaling
server as long as it delivers all the necessary information to the other user.
As a final note, our application does not work across the Internet yet! For computers to enable video and audio permission, the website needs to be under HTTPS. You can deploy it under a server with a TLS certificate for it to work across the Internet. But that is beyond the scope of our workshop.
Challenge to improve our app
Here are some challenges for you to further improve our app. Number of ★ indicate difficulty.
- (★) When the caller calls, the callee just pick up by default. We did not
actually let the user choose whether to pick up or not. Can you obtain the
callee's user consent through a pop up first before "answering" the call?
(a simple implementation of pop up is the built-in
function) - (★★★) If your peer gets annoying, can you mute them? (hint: maybe by manipulating
element?) - (★★★★★) If you are talking to someone else, can you mute yourself?
WebRTC beyond video calling
WebRTC actually supports sending any arbitrary data format. So there are a lot of other application of WebRTC as well. Here, I would like to show you a very simple yet useful WebRTC application that smartly makes use of its mechanism. is a simple web application that allows you to transfer arbitrary files across devices under the same network (the same WiFi or ethernet for example) that is behind the same NAT. For those who uses Apple devices, this is simply AirDrop, but it works on any device with a browser that supports WebRTC.
How does it work then?
- When a user logins into the server, the server keeps a dictionary of public IP to a list of private IPs.
- The user will be able to see other users under the same public IP, meaning that they are under the same network.
- Since they are under the same network, they can connect to each other directly with their private IP. A WebRTC connection is established directly between the two user and the data is transmitted that way.
Note that the traffic between the user does not get onto the Internet at all! The connection is established through the same WiFi/ethernet router that the 2 devices are connected to. This brings great performance since the connection path is short, meaning there is low latency and it does not put much traffic pressure onto the Internet or get bottlenecked by the outside Internet.
You can read the source code to find out how they do it, it is not that long actually! Focus on two files: "server/index.js" and "client/scripts/network.js".
This is the benefit brought by WebRTC, super cool right?